4 Reasons to Test Your Indoor Air Quality

The indoor air quality within the home, office or schools can affect our health and productivity. Harmful particles and fumes can pollute the air we breathe–both outside and inside air– creating health issues linked to asthma, allergies, respiratory diseases, brain function, and heart conditions. Testing your indoor air quality (IAQ) could be the first step in improving your well-being; it provides  an observable measurement of what you’re breathing and what you should do next. There are at least four simple reasons you should test your indoor air quality as soon as possible. 


As previously mentioned, good or bad air quality can affect your health and sense of well being . Testing and then improving indoor air quality might dramatically change how well you breathe, feel comfortable, and sleep well. It might even impact your overall mental health. Improving your IAQ  means improving the safety of whatever environment you inhabit. Testing is the first step to a better body and a better mind. 

Energy Efficiency 

Checking indoor air quality can also help identify ways for your space to be more energy efficient. Professional testing, which can include an energy audit, reveals several problems with a home or building. Besides sources of pollutants and potential solutions, other insights from testing can show how you are using electricity and how you can improve energy efficiency.  


Some people believe testing your indoor air quality is too expensive or complicated. But, most pricing depends on the size of the building being tested. Testing can identify  improvements needed for ventilation and the causes of poor indoor air quality. While prices for testing fluctuate, testing can be a long-term investment for your and your family’s welfare. It lays out any issues with indoor air, creating a path to improved living spaces and improved lives. 

Pollutant Sources 

For those with asthma or allergies, poor indoor air quality can be incredibly detrimental to their health and overall comfort of living. Testing helps identify sources of pollutants within a space, enabling anyone to see just what they are breathing in. Those suffering from worsening lung conditions or allergic reactions may be able to know the cause of some of their health issues. Testing, revealing, and dealing with allergens and mold helps treat a few of these pre-existing conditions. Cleaner air means a cleaner body system. 

How to Test Indoor Air Quality 

Testing and improving indoor air quality can start with a few simple steps. 

  • You can purchase a general air quality monitor online from several different companies.

  • You can get specific monitors for gasses like carbon monoxide or radon. 

  • You can buy or make an air purifier using HEPA Certified filters 

  • You can contact an air quality professional to test and inspect various buildings

Testing indoor air quality can ensure peace of mind. As a first step to improving the air you breathe, it is a vital component in physical and mental health. Some people may think it’s unnecessary or expensive, but it is an active investment in creating more comfortable, breathable spaces. Performing air quality testing when available is part of a healthier solution to living a better life. 

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